Third Ave Bridge Wins 2024 Project of the Year Award from ICRI Chicago Chapter
We are thrilled to announce that Vector Corrosion Technologies has been honored with the prestigious…
Opened to traffic in 1918, this downtown Minneapolis landmark structure utilizes a melan truss reinforcing system in its arches. Over the century, it has received a handful of rehabs (1939, 1979-80 major, 2003, 2014) and is listed as one of MNDOTs historically significant bridges.
Surveys indicated that significant deterioration needed to be addressed on multiple elements, including the deck and cap beams, arch ribs, and pier bases.
MNDOT wanted to achieve a target service life extension of 50 years. To ensure they knew what would be required to achieve this, an extensive condition assessment was completed to identify the deterioration mechanisms of the historic concrete. This assessment found chloride-induced corrosion damage & freeze-thaw damage to be the main culprits.
The project scope included replacing the deck and spandrel columns/walls and repair of the arches and piers.
The consultant chose to protect the deteriorated arch corners with Galvashield® DAS and Galvashield® XP4 anodes, the most vulnerable spot on the bridge. Corrosion Potential (Half-cell) field testing showed a high potential for active corrosion in certain areas of the arch corners. In areas not yet deteriorated by corrosion but at a high risk of corroding, a custom two-phase Galvashield® Fusion® T2 anode system was installed for a high-powered and long-lasting repair. The activated arc spray zinc, (Galvanode® ASZ+) was used on access stairs and abutments.
In concert with the larger repair scope performed on the bridge, Vector’s solutions helped the Minnesota DOT extend the expected service life of the bridge another 50 years. The corrosion mitigation options allowed the DOT to save the bulk of the original, historic Melan Steel reinforced concrete arches, giving the historic structure a brand new life.
These innovative products and technologies were used on this project.