James Ensor Gallery

James Ensor Gallery

Oostende, Belgium
Historical gallery named after the famous belgian painter
Owner: Association of Co-owners James Ensor

The 120-year-old building in Ostend, Belgium, was suffering from corrosion due to carbonation, low cover and chloride contamination due to its proximity to the coast. 

The Problem

Over the years, the atrium’s concrete arches, longitudinal beams (purlins) and rain gutters were subjected to airborne chlorides due to its seaside proximity.  The investigation showed that the significant corrosion and concrete damage were caused by chloride contamination (up to 2%), carbonation, and low cover over the steel.

Our Solution

To meet the project requirements, additional corrosion protection measures were determined to be necessary. Impressed current cathodic protection, electrochemical chloride extraction and embedded galvanic anodes were considered. The embedded galvanic anodes were selected as the most practical and cost-effective solution.   


The final repair design consisted of multiple repair methods. Sections of the arches and beams with high chlorides and severe concrete damage were reconstructed with corrosion-resistant glass fiber rebars. Sections of the arches with low to moderate amounts of corrosion damage were repaired using Galvashield® XPT, thin, elongated embedded galvanic anodes, in the repairs to protect against halo-effect corrosion. The gutters were repaired and protected with Galvashield® CC cylindrical-shaped embedded galvanic anodes grouted into holes drilled into the sound concrete.

The Result

Meeting the requirements of the historic commission while maintaining the appearance of the atrium presented unique challenges. Despite these conditions, extreme care was taken by all parties involved in the repair process to provide long-term durability while protecting the historic fabric of the James Ensor Gallery.

Technology Used

These innovative products and technologies were used on this project. 


1 Technology
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