Coors Brewery

Originally constructed in 1873, the Coors Brewery in Golden, Colorado is the largest single-site brewery in the world.
The Problem
Steam pipes at Coors Brewery run through a reinforced concrete tunnel, which had deteriorated due to the corrosion of the reinforcing steel. The tunnel walls were originally constructed with two mats of #6 Gr. 60 bars at 12” o.c. The top mat of reinforcing was subject to the extreme environment from the steam pipes, which led to significant corrosion of the reinforcing and delamination of the walls.

Our Solution
Prior to construction, engineers were concerned that the high pH of the new wall against the host wall would cause an electrochemical incompatibility between the reinforcing steel in the new section and the original steel embedded in the wall. Galvanic anodes were recommended as a way to stop the underlining corrosion by supplying a small electrical current to the reinforcing steel.
Vector Corrosion Technologies provided 6.5-ft long distributed anodes that were tied to the new reinforcing mat. Three header wires at the beginning, middle, and end of the wall tied all steel mats together to ensure electrical continuity of the system. Continuity checks were completed with a voltmeter and the forms were filled with concrete to complete the repair.

The Result
The distributed anodes were designed to extend the service life of the steam tunnel by 25 years giving beer drinkers everywhere a sigh of relief.
Technology Used
These innovative products and technologies were used on this project.