Barbours Cut Wharf
The Problem
The Port of Houston is one of the world’s largest shipping ports on the Buffalo Bayou in Houston, Texas. The Buffalo Bayou consists mainly of brackish water. Despite the lower concentrations of chlorides within the water, exposure to this environment has caused significant deterioration of the concrete piles and struts supporting the wharf at Barbours Cut. Deterioration of the piles showed corrosion in the tidal and splash zones and higher up in the dry zone.
Our Solution
To provide long-term corrosion protection to both the wet and dry zones, two types of cathodic protection jacket systems were installed. The Galvashield Type W jacket system was selected to protect each pile in the tidal and splash zones, which harnesses the available chlorides within the brackish water to maintain the activation of the zinc anode. The Galvashield DAS Type M jacket system was selected to protect the higher elevations of the piles in the dry zone where there may not be sufficient chlorides to activate the zinc anode. The Galvashield DAS Type M jacket system uses self activated zinc anodes encased in a highly alkaline mortar matrix that eliminates the need for environmental exposure to chlorides.
The Result
The Galvashield Type M and W jacket systems are compatible and can be installed together on the same structural element. This combination of systems can provide a cost-effective global pile protection solution that will extend the service life of the structure decades into the future.
Technology Used
These innovative products and technologies were used on this project.