Port of Canaveral North Cargo Piers
The North Cargo Piers at the Port of Canaveral consist of four wharves that handle bulk cargo such as cement, slag, salt, automobiles, and lumber. This project received the ICRI 2007 Project Award.
The Problem
After years of exposure to the corrosive saltwater environment, a major rehabilitation was planned to extend the service life of the busy piers. The scope of work included concrete repair and galvanic protection for the piles, pile caps, and the precast deck units with an estimated design service life of 20 years.
Our Solution
The pile protection consisted of galvanic pile jackets to protect 668 piles. The galvanic jackets consisted of zinc mesh anodes, 48 lb (22 kg) bulk zinc anodes, and a 1/8 in. (0.3 cm) thick stay-in-place fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) form. The length of the pile jacket repairs ranged from 6 to 30 ft (1.8 to 9.1 m). Galvashield CCs were used to provide protection where FRP strengthening was performed under the slab.
The bottom sections of the cast-in-place pile caps also showed signs of distress. A protection system was devised whereby the bottom 8 in. (20 cm) of the pile caps were removed and activated distributed galvanic anode strips were placed in two continuous rows on each side of the pile caps. Approximately 6000 lineal ft (1830 m) of pile caps were protected.
The Result
The prestressed concrete deck units were protected using activated arc sprayed zinc and applied to the deck soffit. Approximately 57,500 ft2 (5340 m2) of prestressed concrete deck units were protected. Humectant activator solution was applied to the surface of the zinc to achieve a higher level of current output and protection.
Technology Used
These innovative products and technologies were used on this project.